Hey guys,
Well, it's been almost two months since our trip to Italy. I know everyone has gone their separate ways- just like I did after you all left - but I hope that the memory of this experience will live on in your consciousness and expand your possibilities. I know it has done so for me.
If I had to reflect on the cultural difference that I thought was the most striking about this experience, as I look back on it, I would have to say that I feel the Italian people are so much more open emotionally than we in the US. To us, it's so important to be professional, come across well, take care of details, and show how together we are. I felt our film showed this, as well as our itinerary for your travel.
For the Italians, though, I felt that what was more important was the opening of your hearts to us- through all those amazing dinners where you just talk and talk... through the shared bus rides together... singing together, drinking together... And it was even a little scary for me to feel that gentle pressure for me to open up my heart to your friendship. Thank you so much for this truly moving experience. Friends, I'll see you again this coming summer!
Strong hugs for everyone,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Greg Andrews' Thoughts: "We came as friends...but we're leaving as [a] family" by Karla Frias
This is Greg. I finally have a chance to sit and type up my blog post about my experience. I'll try not to make it lengthy (yeah right...this is a soliloquy ;p ).
For clarification...I did not post while in Italy. No disrespect, but at the time I had a chance, I instead found a nice exhibit that features a quite comfortable chair. I'll leave it at that but if you check out Facebook, Ms. Karla posted a...ahem...self-explanatory image of me in the very comfortable chair.
I did post my pre-trip expectations but I had quite an open mind to the trip. I am very grateful to have viewed a Lamborghini while there, although in my excitement I called the vehicle a Ferrari. I also am thankful the hot and cold water knobs aren't switched around :-). The entire trip was very amazing. I remember talking to Chris and he said it best - every minute was maximized! Even the drive from Emanuele's house to wherever our destination may be was nothing less than marvelous. True, those trips made for a great time to nap (lol) but the view was unbelievable - it's like something one reads from a story book. The trip to Genova was the best. I was amazed at how the towns were arranged in between the mountains. Totally cool.
Here's a few cultural highlights for me:
The people (parents, teachers, officials, etc) we met were nothing less than wonderful. There was natural awkwardness for me because, though I can read basic Italian, pronouncing the words was a challenge because I picture the word in my mind but the way a word is spelled isn't necessarily how you pronounce it (those "ch" words are a major hurdle). Several times I couldn't keep up with a speaker - they spoke to fast for me to catch every word. However, when I asked whoever was close by to help me translate a conversation, the "chosen" mediator would step in and help! No one made me feel like I didn't belong. Many thanks...
...which is why these and other benign acts led me to quote Karla. To me, Karla's statement summarizes best my thoughts for this trip. I know I don't look Italian :D but I really felt as if the whole trip was a family reunion. In America it's known as Southern hospitality. This was an exquisite and life-changing experience. Thanks to all those that helped make this possible.
For clarification...I did not post while in Italy. No disrespect, but at the time I had a chance, I instead found a nice exhibit that features a quite comfortable chair. I'll leave it at that but if you check out Facebook, Ms. Karla posted a...ahem...self-explanatory image of me in the very comfortable chair.
I did post my pre-trip expectations but I had quite an open mind to the trip. I am very grateful to have viewed a Lamborghini while there, although in my excitement I called the vehicle a Ferrari. I also am thankful the hot and cold water knobs aren't switched around :-). The entire trip was very amazing. I remember talking to Chris and he said it best - every minute was maximized! Even the drive from Emanuele's house to wherever our destination may be was nothing less than marvelous. True, those trips made for a great time to nap (lol) but the view was unbelievable - it's like something one reads from a story book. The trip to Genova was the best. I was amazed at how the towns were arranged in between the mountains. Totally cool.
Here's a few cultural highlights for me:
- I made my first purchase with a Euro coin and Euro bill! So cool!
- I walked on and touched a real ancient Roman road and gate! How many people can say that (a lot...LOL!)
- I like the circle/turnaround structures that are used instead of a 4 stop signs or traffic lights. That setup is advantageous. I've seen those structures when watching the Tour de France but seeing is different from experiencing. Maybe when I'm President...ha!
- The direction of traffic is the same. I thought people drove on the left side of the street but I talked to someone and and they said left-sided driving exists in very few countries.
- The driving was also strange at times. Our driver was great but those in traffic were...questionable. For example, in America, its illegal to pass someone while going uphill or if there's a curve ahead. While traveling through the mountains on two-lane, bi-directional traffic, people passed us at will regardless of curves or if we were going uphill.
- I saw REAL Italian motorcycles!!! No offense to Harley Davidson, but I thought that was cool. And some of the full body outfits the motorist had on was wicked cool!
- One more thing about the driving. I didn't notice any yellow lines. In America, we have white lines on the right and yellow lines on the left to help with orientation.
- The herd of cows passing through the town while we were dining was extraordinary. I may be wrong but I don't think cows pass through towns over here in America.
- Small cars dominated the traffic. When speaking to the US Consul, he said it's because gas is more expensive and smaller cars are more fuel efficient. I didn't know that.
- He also shared some information on the school system. The educational system is governed by the Italian government. That is quite interesting. I can't even imagine the effect on booster clubs and alumni associations if the government completely took over education (excluding the No Child Left Behind Act).
- The number of Mercedes, Audi and other what I would deem "foreign" cars was amazing. In America such vehicles are luxury vehicles and over in Italy, "everyone" has one. As was explained to me, the cars are made next door, so to speak, and therefore are considerably less than the prices in America. It didn't really dawn on me that we're in the place where they make "foreign" cars. Duh! Which leads me to ideas on procuring a Lamborghini...
- The number of apartment buildings (or the like) was astounding! Even major cities/metropolitan areas such as Dallas/Ft. Worth, Chicago, pre-2005 New Orleans, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, DC, etc don't have that many apartment buildings in the same area. I think this really hit home to me when we traveled to Genova. There were several places I saw an estimated 40 - 60 buildings. I thought they were business buildings or a small town but closer inspection revealed evidence to suggest they were apartment buildings - there were clothes hanging on a clothes line. Wow.
- The visit to Vallauri was educational (no pun intended). Students get to EAT in the hallways! Wow! And the students stay in the classroom while the teachers move from one classroom to another. Double-wow! And you can have wine and beer at school and not be kicked out!? Triple-wow!
- The view from the Cinema was breathtaking and revealed the influence of the royal families that had lived in Torino. North America eschewed royalty so there aren't any castles or palaces here. Nevertheless, they are places of beauty and splendor. I didn't realize how enormous a palace could be. I guess those childhood stories were right after all ;)
- I recently posted on my Facebook that my tastebuds have been spoiled. I wanted to eat and eat and eat and eat and eat...you get the point. I don't think there's a word that can vividly describe how scrumptious the food was. Each and every morsel melted in my mouth! Pure simple elegance. Example, the bread with the melted cheese in it, the lightly baked bread (both of which we had while in Genova), the smoked meats and pies from Emanuele's house, and many more...all of them were delicious yet simple. Best of all, I was able to accomplish another goal - to have lasagna in Italy! We went to a cafe following our egress from the Cinema museum that served a variety of food. Having eaten three plates of food I was approaching full when someone (I think it was Jennifer or Chris) came back with lasagna. I went and cut out a large portion and ate it. Sadly, when I went back for more, there was none left. In America, there is an expression: the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I can definitely see why this is true. I've fallen for Italy!
- Cookies at breakfast? Simply marvelous.
- The vegetables/side dishes are served AFTER the entree! Whoo-hoo!
- Nutella! That has to be some of the best chocolate I've tasted!
- The deserts were divine. I am infatuated with the Italian version of meringue!
- Personally, I don't think Starbucks wouldn't survive in Italy.
- I don't recall seeing a Giorgio Armani store, but I wasn't altogether paying attention for such a place either.
- I met Giorgia's mom! Super-cool lady!
- Last but not least...I like the good luck thing for males ;) LOL!
The people (parents, teachers, officials, etc) we met were nothing less than wonderful. There was natural awkwardness for me because, though I can read basic Italian, pronouncing the words was a challenge because I picture the word in my mind but the way a word is spelled isn't necessarily how you pronounce it (those "ch" words are a major hurdle). Several times I couldn't keep up with a speaker - they spoke to fast for me to catch every word. However, when I asked whoever was close by to help me translate a conversation, the "chosen" mediator would step in and help! No one made me feel like I didn't belong. Many thanks...
...which is why these and other benign acts led me to quote Karla. To me, Karla's statement summarizes best my thoughts for this trip. I know I don't look Italian :D but I really felt as if the whole trip was a family reunion. In America it's known as Southern hospitality. This was an exquisite and life-changing experience. Thanks to all those that helped make this possible.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
A new world, the american world by Andrea S
Hi, this is the report of a new world that we found thanks to MCCA project "Not just another brick in the wall": the american world. This cultural exchange helped us to improve our english skills and we have taught the American team some Italian. We have grown closer to our new American friends. Now, I miss them, though they have not left Italy yet. This has been a great experience, because we now understand another culture and a life that is different from our own. I hope this experience will be repeated next year, because I think it is important to stay connected.
Andrea S.
Andrea S.
something about Andrea P 's feelings
Hi to everyone,
I think I'm really lucky to partecipate in this project.
I've learnt very much thanks to american students and I hope it has been the same for them!
I met lots of funny people and I enjoyed the few days with them.
Thank you to all the people involved in this amazing experience!!
Andrea Polato
I think I'm really lucky to partecipate in this project.
I've learnt very much thanks to american students and I hope it has been the same for them!
I met lots of funny people and I enjoyed the few days with them.
Thank you to all the people involved in this amazing experience!!
Andrea Polato
Emanuele's AMAZING entry
Hello from Infini.to Planetarium!!!!
I am with my American friends.
Today was the premiere for the Italian showing of Not Just Another Brick in the Wall project, which we have collaborated on for over a year with the team from Louisiana in the US.
The premiere was very great. Our classmates came to watch the movie and had a great time. My schoolmates really enjoyed the movie, which made me happy!!!!
I hope you will be able to see the movie too.
Thanks to Rebecca(Sci-Port Planetarium), Giorgia (Infini.to), MCCA, Vallauri School and Louisiana School for this experience!!!!
I am with my American friends.
Today was the premiere for the Italian showing of Not Just Another Brick in the Wall project, which we have collaborated on for over a year with the team from Louisiana in the US.
The premiere was very great. Our classmates came to watch the movie and had a great time. My schoolmates really enjoyed the movie, which made me happy!!!!
I hope you will be able to see the movie too.
Thanks to Rebecca(Sci-Port Planetarium), Giorgia (Infini.to), MCCA, Vallauri School and Louisiana School for this experience!!!!
Such a wonderful expierence!
Hi to everyone! I'm Adele and I will write something about this expierience with american guys in America and Italy.
I think this has been such a wonderful expericence and all of us has learnt very much about their culture and their way of life. We've a lot of fun together and I hope we will repeat it. The only thing I would like to underline is that, although the differences between our two ways of thinking, we found out many friends and we started to get along with them! It has been the best cultural exchange I could do!!! So thanks to all and (I hope) see you soon guys!!!!
I think this has been such a wonderful expericence and all of us has learnt very much about their culture and their way of life. We've a lot of fun together and I hope we will repeat it. The only thing I would like to underline is that, although the differences between our two ways of thinking, we found out many friends and we started to get along with them! It has been the best cultural exchange I could do!!! So thanks to all and (I hope) see you soon guys!!!!
Chelsea is in Italy
We have just seen the premiere at Infini.to. Italy has been loads of fun so far. Everything is so pretty. The food is amazing, and I am completely in love with gelato. American coffee will never be the same after drinking so much expresso. I think I will look into learning Italian. The language is so pretty, but it makes my head spin when everyone is speaking a language I don't understand. I only get bits and pieces from knowing some Spanish. Merritt and I are working on the documentary of the Italians in America and will be done our jobs soon enough. Very happy to be here. Ciao!!
Working on the Italian's visit video in Italy!
Hey Guys it's Merritt.
Me and Chelsea are at Infini.TO in Italy right now editing video from the Italian's visit to America. Both their visit and our visit to Italy so far have been so much fun! There's nothing better than getting to share memories and great food with amazing people. And of course, Italy is just miracoloso. I don't think I'll ever want to leave. Anyway, got to get back to work!
Me and Chelsea are at Infini.TO in Italy right now editing video from the Italian's visit to America. Both their visit and our visit to Italy so far have been so much fun! There's nothing better than getting to share memories and great food with amazing people. And of course, Italy is just miracoloso. I don't think I'll ever want to leave. Anyway, got to get back to work!
Karla: Being in Italy
After working so hard this year, we are finally in Italy. We all became friends when the Italian team came to LA. Now we are past the odd stage and are enjoying every minute of being here. I have fallen in love with Italy and the people. I'm actually coming back next summer and staying with Adele. I'm going to learn Italian. :D
We have made such a strong bond with each other. I will never forget this experience. I have felt more at home here in Italy than at LA after graduating from LSMSA.
The people, the hills, the food, the jokes, the memories are all unforgettable. I am going to miss everyone. I cannot wait to come back.
Thank you to everyone that made this possible. You have given us an experience of a lifetime.
We have made such a strong bond with each other. I will never forget this experience. I have felt more at home here in Italy than at LA after graduating from LSMSA.
The people, the hills, the food, the jokes, the memories are all unforgettable. I am going to miss everyone. I cannot wait to come back.
Thank you to everyone that made this possible. You have given us an experience of a lifetime.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Flying soon!!!
Hello from the Shreveport airport!!!
This is Chelsea, waiting to get on the airplane. I've never flown before, so this is very exciting.
Can't wait to get to Italy and see everyone again.
Now to wait for our flight...
This is Chelsea, waiting to get on the airplane. I've never flown before, so this is very exciting.
Can't wait to get to Italy and see everyone again.
Now to wait for our flight...
Hey everyone!
It's Cari, one of the scripters for the project. We're about to get on our plane to Houston then on to Frankfurt and Torino. We're all very excited to see our Italian friends again!
It's crazy that the project is almost done. It seems like not long ago we were just getting started!
We will keep everyone posted!
It's Cari, one of the scripters for the project. We're about to get on our plane to Houston then on to Frankfurt and Torino. We're all very excited to see our Italian friends again!
It's crazy that the project is almost done. It seems like not long ago we were just getting started!
We will keep everyone posted!
In the Shreveport airport!
Hey, guys! It's Courtney, the project manager of the US team.
We are hanging out in the Shreveport airport right now and we are all very excited. We will travel to Houston and then from Houston to Frankfurt and then to Turin! Hooray!
I'm so excited right now...you have no idea. :) We are so excited that all of our hard work is paying off now.
See you guys soon!
We are hanging out in the Shreveport airport right now and we are all very excited. We will travel to Houston and then from Houston to Frankfurt and then to Turin! Hooray!
I'm so excited right now...you have no idea. :) We are so excited that all of our hard work is paying off now.
See you guys soon!
Ready for Italy (I hope)
Alright. In a few more hours I will be on my way to Italy! I'm very excited about this trip and look forward to eating a real Italian cuisine (Italian is actually my favorite type of food). This project has allowed me to come into contact with a really talented pool of youth. Plus I was able to upgrade my social networking skills so I can keep up with their pace...LOL! I'm really amazed at how the film worked out. I hope we, Sci-Port, can carry out another project along the same lines. I can go on and on about all the posititives but I think I'll summarize by saying I am grateful to help out and I appreciate the opportunity.
While the Italians were here, I learned how to speak some Italian words, and, to self-deprecate, how to NOT speak some Italian words :-). I found out Emanuele enjoys hot and spicy food like I do, which was a big surprise to me because I'd heard of all these great meals/victuals that originate from Italy, and not once had I imagined their being hot sauce available. WOW! (BTW - thanks Emanuele for keeping the toothpick on your tongue long enough for me to take a picture.)
One thing I expect when over in Italy is to try to not to embarrass myself when we go walking in the Exilles. I would REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like to visit the Lamborghini plant in Sant'Agata Bolognese (FYI Lamborghinis are my favorite cars. I've loved them since childhood). There, I said it. I finally got that off my chest. I am looking forward to meeting all the VIP's. What I hope to bring back is a better understanding of the Italian culture and their customs - I'm mainly focused on the food.
The premiere was truly an unforgettable experience. I think it's the first time we've done a teen-only event at Sci-Port (or it is since I've been there). I thought it was great to see our young adults in Sci-Port - hopefully this is a spark to several to come back and a way to showcase Sci-Port is a facility that addresses all genres of age.
OK...I'll stop blogging now. Have to save room for the others :-P
Greg Andrews
While the Italians were here, I learned how to speak some Italian words, and, to self-deprecate, how to NOT speak some Italian words :-). I found out Emanuele enjoys hot and spicy food like I do, which was a big surprise to me because I'd heard of all these great meals/victuals that originate from Italy, and not once had I imagined their being hot sauce available. WOW! (BTW - thanks Emanuele for keeping the toothpick on your tongue long enough for me to take a picture.)
One thing I expect when over in Italy is to try to not to embarrass myself when we go walking in the Exilles. I would REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like to visit the Lamborghini plant in Sant'Agata Bolognese (FYI Lamborghinis are my favorite cars. I've loved them since childhood). There, I said it. I finally got that off my chest. I am looking forward to meeting all the VIP's. What I hope to bring back is a better understanding of the Italian culture and their customs - I'm mainly focused on the food.
The premiere was truly an unforgettable experience. I think it's the first time we've done a teen-only event at Sci-Port (or it is since I've been there). I thought it was great to see our young adults in Sci-Port - hopefully this is a spark to several to come back and a way to showcase Sci-Port is a facility that addresses all genres of age.
OK...I'll stop blogging now. Have to save room for the others :-P
Greg Andrews
Ready to Depart!
It's 7:30 am and I am ready to start my long journey to Italy. Over the past year I've learned a lot about teamwork, movie-making strategies, and scripting. I am excited to see my Italian friends for one last time. However, if I learned anything from this project, it is that I can still keep in touch with the Italians in America. I am sure that I'll learn a lot and have a lot of fun in Italy! Well I have to go soon. See you in Italy!
- Felipe Hernández
- Felipe Hernández
About to venture to Italy!
Hey everyone, it's Chase. The project thus far has been quite a ride but successful, I think, overall. The premiere was smashing, especially with the unexpectedly large number of guests! I am very excited to see what it will look like in Italy. We definitely learned a lot from our new friends and expect to only continue learning as we head over to their hometowns. It was interesting to get a glimpse of the unfamiliar culture in the context of our "every-day" one and it will be even more interesting to see how we react once we're in their world. The experience has been unforgettable and still isn't even over!
-Chase Whitney
Monday, May 24, 2010
So much fun!
The Italian team came to the US a couple of weeks ago, and it was so much fun! We learned so many new things from each other! No peanut butter in Italy?!!?! The premier of the video went great, everything worked well and looked great. We had a good turnout as well. I didn't expect to see so many people I didn't know to be there! This will be a visit to remember for sure.
I head off to Italy tomorrow with the whole American team! I am very excited and nervous! I hope the traveling goes well! See you in Italy!
-Ethan (American Team)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
hot and cold water taps
Hey Everybody! I was laughing at Greg's post from a little while back. While I was showering at the Y-M-C-A I was in a stall next to Manuela and Adele and I had to laugh when they were asking each other which one was hot and which was cold. The cold just has a "C" on it, which in Italian of course would stand for "caldo"- HOT!!
I enjoyed so much the Italians' visit here to northwest Louisiana. I think my favorite part was the creative meeting. It was stressful and tense, but I loved listening to you explain why you did what you did to show each other your culture. That was hard, but revealing.
Another of my favorite things was when the facilities guy at the boys' dorm said to me, apropos of nothing, "These Italian kids have no bubble around them. They just want to know you and for you to know them." I felt that way about all of you Italians- very little barrier to have to break down. Thank you for sharing your culture, your songs, your personalities with us!
I'll see everyone soon- A presto!
I enjoyed so much the Italians' visit here to northwest Louisiana. I think my favorite part was the creative meeting. It was stressful and tense, but I loved listening to you explain why you did what you did to show each other your culture. That was hard, but revealing.
Another of my favorite things was when the facilities guy at the boys' dorm said to me, apropos of nothing, "These Italian kids have no bubble around them. They just want to know you and for you to know them." I felt that way about all of you Italians- very little barrier to have to break down. Thank you for sharing your culture, your songs, your personalities with us!
I'll see everyone soon- A presto!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Uploaded Pictures from Trip
I uploaded the images from my phone of the "Italians in Louisiana" trip to the Facebook account. Many thanks to Emanuele tagging people in the photos. That was a big help! If you haven't joined the facebook page, please do so soon. Also, if you want to add in any image, by all means do so!
See everyone next week!
PS...I'm working on uploading video footage. It takes quite a bit of time, so be patient please.
See everyone next week!
PS...I'm working on uploading video footage. It takes quite a bit of time, so be patient please.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
A success!
Yesterday the "premiere" at Sci-Port. It was amazing! Oscar is become a star of US cinema! Straight to Holliwood?!? eleonora
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Teen Forum Tonight!!!!
The premiere event kicks off tonight from 7 - 9:30! I can't wait to play the project but I'm actually excited about the ice cream sundaes as well! And the rooftop music! And the Van de Graaff generator! Lot's of fun and food. Oh, and of course there is also a teen forum that takes place as well. :-P I'm sure we'll learn about other ways Sci-Port can relate to teens and fortify Sci-Port as a place where teens, tweens, and young adults can visit more often.
And finally...we arrived!!! (eleonora)
Despite volcano, lost flight connection, flat tire (someone knows...) we are HERE!
Nice, lovely and friendly people. Huge, green and wonderful landscape. I love Louisiana and we are so lucky to be here. Thank you all!
Nice, lovely and friendly people. Huge, green and wonderful landscape. I love Louisiana and we are so lucky to be here. Thank you all!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sad in DC
So, Here I am with Jennifer Holt sitting in a hotel room at the Holiday Inn Georgetown in Washington, DC, working on my presentation about our project for tomorrow. What can I say! I wish that Eleonora was working on this with me!
As we were driving into town my heart hurt for all you students and grown ups from Italy that won't get to see the embassies, the Potomac river, the Watergate hotel, and the monuments and the capitol. DC is a neat city. A lot neater than Shreveport, I guarantee!!!
As I thought, there are very few flights that have enough space on them to accomodate 11 people. So we need to make some decisions about what to do. DANG VOLCANO!!!
The only good thing about it is now we are really having to weather a calamity in our project, and that will only bring us closer together. I hope.
Hugs to all,
As we were driving into town my heart hurt for all you students and grown ups from Italy that won't get to see the embassies, the Potomac river, the Watergate hotel, and the monuments and the capitol. DC is a neat city. A lot neater than Shreveport, I guarantee!!!
As I thought, there are very few flights that have enough space on them to accomodate 11 people. So we need to make some decisions about what to do. DANG VOLCANO!!!
The only good thing about it is now we are really having to weather a calamity in our project, and that will only bring us closer together. I hope.
Hugs to all,
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Water faucets
How are the water faucets marked? Over here, there's an "H" for hot water and a "C" for cold water. Also, the handle for hot water is always on the left side of the water spigot and the handle for cold water is on the right. Is it the same for over in Italy?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Headed to LSMSA again!
Hi all...I am going to be heading out to LSMSA to work on the D3 components. Mainly we'll focus on uploading the files and (cross your fingers) play them through D3 w/o any issues arising. I plan on bringing the files back to Shreveport and uploading them in the planetarium but the upload won't take place for a few days (we are currently undergoing a technical repair with the planetarium).
Speaking of files...I don't think I stated my expectations. Keep in mind I haven't seen anything outside of what's been posted on the facebook and/or blogs, so I am "clueless" as to what the final film will feature. I expect this to be a film that is going to be everything but a typical planetarium show...LOL! My initial thoughts were to help create something dealing with astronmoy, but as I've watched the progress, I've seen more and more how the film is focusing on aspects of common life for Americans versus Italians. I am very amused by the Italians video postings - they are hilarious! I never imagined comedy to be associated with a planetarium environment...but that is part of my cultural understanding. In reflecting over this project, I've discovered the word "planetarium" now needs to expand its connotation. I'd love to write more, but I've got to mosey on down the road. I'll provide more "fodder" when I return.
Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Speaking of files...I don't think I stated my expectations. Keep in mind I haven't seen anything outside of what's been posted on the facebook and/or blogs, so I am "clueless" as to what the final film will feature. I expect this to be a film that is going to be everything but a typical planetarium show...LOL! My initial thoughts were to help create something dealing with astronmoy, but as I've watched the progress, I've seen more and more how the film is focusing on aspects of common life for Americans versus Italians. I am very amused by the Italians video postings - they are hilarious! I never imagined comedy to be associated with a planetarium environment...but that is part of my cultural understanding. In reflecting over this project, I've discovered the word "planetarium" now needs to expand its connotation. I'd love to write more, but I've got to mosey on down the road. I'll provide more "fodder" when I return.
Looking forward to seeing everyone!
(Giorgia) Still working, but the end is near!
Dear friends,
all the students are working hard in order to complete their scenes.
They have hurried up and we all met every Tuesdays and Thursdays in the last weeks: in the photos you can see images of the students editing the last scenes, adding their music and some captions.
In the photo above, you can see my colleague Emanuele (the one on the left, with the black jumper) helping the students using the softwares for video and music editing. In the right, you can see Oscar while helping the students taking the last decisions for the storyboard.
The last photo below is a bit older, it dates back to the last skype call with the American students: in the rear you can see Adele and Matteo while talking through facebook and skype with Louisiana's group, making the last arrangements for the show.

At last all the students succeded in getting their passport for the travel to America. We are all looking forward to meeting altogether in April. Eleonora, Emanuele and Antonella are ready to set off with the students in this exciting adventure!
Oscar and I are so sorry not to be able to come to America! But don't worry: we will have valuable substitutes! Antonella (the vice headmaster of Vallauri) will come instead of Oscar, and Emanuele will come instead of me: he can be a valuable help for Greg and all the students, as he is expert both in Digistar scripting and in video and music editing.
I can't wait to see the results of this hard work! And we are waiting for all the American group to come to Italy!
See you very very soon!
all the students are working hard in order to complete their scenes.
They have hurried up and we all met every Tuesdays and Thursdays in the last weeks: in the photos you can see images of the students editing the last scenes, adding their music and some captions.
At last all the students succeded in getting their passport for the travel to America. We are all looking forward to meeting altogether in April. Eleonora, Emanuele and Antonella are ready to set off with the students in this exciting adventure!
Oscar and I are so sorry not to be able to come to America! But don't worry: we will have valuable substitutes! Antonella (the vice headmaster of Vallauri) will come instead of Oscar, and Emanuele will come instead of me: he can be a valuable help for Greg and all the students, as he is expert both in Digistar scripting and in video and music editing.
I can't wait to see the results of this hard work! And we are waiting for all the American group to come to Italy!
See you very very soon!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
(Giorgia) Problem in skype call for 11th march
Dear all,
last night it started to snow and now it is still snowing (yes! despite we are in march!!! if you click on the title of this post, you will see our webcam), so we are not sure if we will be able to skype with you today: we don't know neither if we (Eleonora, Emanuele and I) can reach Vallauri from the planetarium nor if Vallauri school will be open (it depends on the decision of the regional council).
I asked Adele and Matteo if they will be able to skype at least with Courtney from their houses, but we may have to postpone the skype conversation with everyone to next thursday (18th march 2010).
Sorry for that! I will be on skype anyway, if someone needs or wants to talk to us.
last night it started to snow and now it is still snowing (yes! despite we are in march!!! if you click on the title of this post, you will see our webcam), so we are not sure if we will be able to skype with you today: we don't know neither if we (Eleonora, Emanuele and I) can reach Vallauri from the planetarium nor if Vallauri school will be open (it depends on the decision of the regional council).
I asked Adele and Matteo if they will be able to skype at least with Courtney from their houses, but we may have to postpone the skype conversation with everyone to next thursday (18th march 2010).
Sorry for that! I will be on skype anyway, if someone needs or wants to talk to us.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Let's talk- from Rebecca
Hi Everyone,
I had a couple of very interesting conversations last week with the two different partners. I'm really glad that the teams have shared their interpretations of "A Day in the Life" and their scene descriptions.
There are some questions now. How are we going to put this all together into one creative product? There has been some suprise at how much more metaphorical and narrative the Louisiana team's interpretation of the scenes is.
I would like for the two teams of kids to start talking about how to make this "ours" instead of "theirs" and "ours". So instead of posting something on the web and then walking away, I think it is important to have a back-and-forth dialog discussing how to put everything together.
I'm recommending three skypes in the coming three weeks. The first I'd like you to talk about how to make the narrative make sense. The second about the soundtrack, and the third on why you chose to feature certain things in your scenes. Why was it important to the Italians to show playing with a sibling in the first scene? Why was it important for the Louisianans to show Louisiana woods? This is where the cultural exchange will happen.
So, I was hoping that the first scenes would be e-mailed to each other before Thursday, and I think that the kids need to plan on meeting by skype on the next three Thursdays- as many kids as can be there.
Hope that is okay with everyone! After these meetings we will have enough information to write the Digistar script.
My best to everyone,
I had a couple of very interesting conversations last week with the two different partners. I'm really glad that the teams have shared their interpretations of "A Day in the Life" and their scene descriptions.
There are some questions now. How are we going to put this all together into one creative product? There has been some suprise at how much more metaphorical and narrative the Louisiana team's interpretation of the scenes is.
I would like for the two teams of kids to start talking about how to make this "ours" instead of "theirs" and "ours". So instead of posting something on the web and then walking away, I think it is important to have a back-and-forth dialog discussing how to put everything together.
I'm recommending three skypes in the coming three weeks. The first I'd like you to talk about how to make the narrative make sense. The second about the soundtrack, and the third on why you chose to feature certain things in your scenes. Why was it important to the Italians to show playing with a sibling in the first scene? Why was it important for the Louisianans to show Louisiana woods? This is where the cultural exchange will happen.
So, I was hoping that the first scenes would be e-mailed to each other before Thursday, and I think that the kids need to plan on meeting by skype on the next three Thursdays- as many kids as can be there.
Hope that is okay with everyone! After these meetings we will have enough information to write the Digistar script.
My best to everyone,
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Hey guys! US Update
Hi, guys! This is Courtney :)
This week we've done a lot! Chris King (our teacher) and Ethan (our director) have put in 6 hours to come up with a preview of our movie. Look forward to seeing it soon! Felipe and Cari have been meeting with Greg to work on the D3 scripting. We are working very hard on editing and getting things together.
Looking forward to seeing the end project!
This week we've done a lot! Chris King (our teacher) and Ethan (our director) have put in 6 hours to come up with a preview of our movie. Look forward to seeing it soon! Felipe and Cari have been meeting with Greg to work on the D3 scripting. We are working very hard on editing and getting things together.
Looking forward to seeing the end project!
Friday, February 5, 2010
The Backstage 2
The Backstage 2
This is the second and final backstage of the film-making...
It had been amazing!!!
This is the second and final backstage of the film-making...
It had been amazing!!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
End of filming
Hi to everyone! =) I'm Adele!
I'm going to update you about our filming!
Today we have finished the scene: we've been in Savigliano at the railway museum :)
you are watching soon our product! it is very funny and now we have 'just' to edit everything and choose the music!
tell us your work!
see you on the skype meeting next Thursday!
I'm going to update you about our filming!
Today we have finished the scene: we've been in Savigliano at the railway museum :)
you are watching soon our product! it is very funny and now we have 'just' to edit everything and choose the music!
tell us your work!
see you on the skype meeting next Thursday!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Backstage
Hi everyone!!
Here's the video of us making some scenes of the film....
it's really funny, isn't it??
we think we're working really hard and we all hope it will be a great job!
if you want more informations\details just ask me
Here's the video of us making some scenes of the film....
it's really funny, isn't it??
we think we're working really hard and we all hope it will be a great job!
if you want more informations\details just ask me
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
(Emanuele) Hi!
Hello everyone!
How are you?
In recent weeks it snowed in Louisiana?
Here are 35 cm of snow!
Tomorrow we Italians we meet and we will divide into two groups:
one will continue to record while the other will start to make the "assembly" of recorded scenes.
You've already seen some part of our work?
You like?
How are you?
In recent weeks it snowed in Louisiana?
Here are 35 cm of snow!
Tomorrow we Italians we meet and we will divide into two groups:
one will continue to record while the other will start to make the "assembly" of recorded scenes.
You've already seen some part of our work?
You like?
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By Carmine
Hello, I'm Carmine!Tomorrow some of us will edit our earlier video and other will make a new video.I hope you can see our performances soon and i hope we'll make a good working...
Monday, January 18, 2010
Hi! I'm Serena Giraudo. I'm sorry for my delay!!
I was absent at the first skype coversation (I was ill!!) so you don't know me...
On Thursday we are going to working separated. four of us will go to Matteo's house and the other will work at school.
I hope the video will be very good!
Excuse me for my mistakes!Bye!!
I was absent at the first skype coversation (I was ill!!) so you don't know me...
On Thursday we are going to working separated. four of us will go to Matteo's house and the other will work at school.
I hope the video will be very good!
Excuse me for my mistakes!Bye!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Hi there everyone, This is Rebecca here. I've been keeping up with most of the adults on the project by e-mail, and I wanted to let all of you students know what I've been doing. This week I sent out the packets of information to the USA parents with information about the traveling. Lots of forms and information. Has everyone gotten their passport?!?!?! Right now I'm working on reporting to the grantors what we have been doing.
The main thing I have been thinking about with this project is to make sure that we are collaborating together- not just doing the creative process in parallel. Do we have a complete storyboard of the whole picture yet?
The main thing I have been thinking about with this project is to make sure that we are collaborating together- not just doing the creative process in parallel. Do we have a complete storyboard of the whole picture yet?
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
(Giorgia) Expectations of people interested in the project
Dear all,
I asked people from my staff and a couple of people outside to write down their expectations on this project here on this blog. Hopefully they will write a comment on this post (maybe one doesn't need to know the account info to post a comment, does he?)
I asked people from my staff and a couple of people outside to write down their expectations on this project here on this blog. Hopefully they will write a comment on this post (maybe one doesn't need to know the account info to post a comment, does he?)
Monday, January 11, 2010
Hi!!!! I'm Andrea Sfargeri
Hi, i'm the last one....ehm....excuse me for the delay. I'm the guy who run behind the bus in the video of Youtube...my first presentation is very good! xD
well, we enjoy ourself very much to do that video for the project...I hope that you enjoy in the same way to watch that in the end...
Bye Bye, Andrea! =)
well, we enjoy ourself very much to do that video for the project...I hope that you enjoy in the same way to watch that in the end...
Bye Bye, Andrea! =)
Andrea Polato
Hi to all... I'm Andrea Polato!! Next thursday we'll met to filming some other scenes at home of Matteo... I hope they are good because my brother will be one of the actors XD
Saturday, January 9, 2010
End of Christmas holidays, the project continues!!
Hello, I'm Manuela! I take care of video editing, which we began to resume before the Christmas holidays, where we, the Italian team were recording them and we are also "actors". Some scenes are very fun to shoot, others a little embarrassing, but it is a beautiful experience to go along with my mates! I'm enjoying very much. I'm curious to see what they've accomplished those of the American team, since their party is more artistic, and from what I saw they are very good in this field! I await the end of the project to see the results. =) Hi guys!
End of Christmas holidays, the project continues!!
Hello, I'm Manuela! I take care of video editing, which we began to resume before the Christmas holidays, where we, the Italian team were recording them and we are also "actors". Some scenes are very fun to shoot, others a little embarrassing, but it is a beautiful experience to go along with my mates! I'm enjoying very much. I'm curious to see what they've accomplished those of the American team, since their party is more artistic, and from what I saw they are very good in this field! I await the end of the project to see the results. =) Hi guys!
American team's trip to Sci Port in Shreveport, LA
Hi! This is Chase Whitney, one of music/video editing guys from the American team. This is a video I made of some footage I shot of our team's trip to Sci Port, the planetarium in Shreveport. Enjoy!
Here is the link in case the video I embedded below does not work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3Y5Uhzg-iA
Friday, January 8, 2010
Eleonora and the snow at Infini.to
Oscar back from Holidays (and a podcast)
Hello people!
Today here we are under snow! I love it... am I childish? :-)
Anyway we took a loooong vacation for Christmas time and yesterday we get back to work and had our weekly meeting. I find very nice to discover every time how much we laugh during video shots and general work. Isn't fun a good indicator that everything is going in the right direction? Time will tell... ;-)
We're also working with the staff to the itinerary for the Italian part of the exchange. It will be later May and hopefully here we'll have hot weather and sunny days, so we're planning many outdoors activities; more on this subject later this month...
Lastly, I link here: http://podcast.vallauri.edu/groups/podcasts/weblog/3b0b1/Radio_ttivit%C3%A0__037_-_Progetto_Planetario.html a podcast with an interview that I had with Emanuele about the project for our school web radio. It's Italian language, but maybe understandable for some of you..
Greetings and see you soon... and happy new year!!!
Today here we are under snow! I love it... am I childish? :-)
Anyway we took a loooong vacation for Christmas time and yesterday we get back to work and had our weekly meeting. I find very nice to discover every time how much we laugh during video shots and general work. Isn't fun a good indicator that everything is going in the right direction? Time will tell... ;-)
We're also working with the staff to the itinerary for the Italian part of the exchange. It will be later May and hopefully here we'll have hot weather and sunny days, so we're planning many outdoors activities; more on this subject later this month...
Lastly, I link here: http://podcast.vallauri.edu/groups/podcasts/weblog/3b0b1/Radio_ttivit%C3%A0__037_-_Progetto_Planetario.html a podcast with an interview that I had with Emanuele about the project for our school web radio. It's Italian language, but maybe understandable for some of you..
Greetings and see you soon... and happy new year!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Hi! by Adele
Hi to everyone! I'm Adele! Today we have had a meeting for filming some scenes! We've had a very good time :) I hope you can see our performances soon and I hope that you will like them!
waiting a skype conversation, byeee!!
ps happy new year!!
waiting a skype conversation, byeee!!
ps happy new year!!
(Giorgia) Back to work after Christmas holidays!
Hi to everyone!
The first day after a long Christmas holiday is quite stressful, but luckily I could escape from my office: this afternoon I went to Vallauri to join the students; I saw them filming some scenes inside the school, they are really nice! Then they arranged further meetings in order to film other scenes and other situations... but I don't want to reveal anything, I want them to write down their ideas here...
Hope to see you all soon, maybe through skype or maybe through Youtube! (Matteo told me he will try to post the videos they made also on Youtube, so now I'm waiting!)
See you!
The first day after a long Christmas holiday is quite stressful, but luckily I could escape from my office: this afternoon I went to Vallauri to join the students; I saw them filming some scenes inside the school, they are really nice! Then they arranged further meetings in order to film other scenes and other situations... but I don't want to reveal anything, I want them to write down their ideas here...
Hope to see you all soon, maybe through skype or maybe through Youtube! (Matteo told me he will try to post the videos they made also on Youtube, so now I'm waiting!)
See you!
Hey guys!
We've been filming on various locations for the past few days, from the forest to urban city settings. Our production is going very well and soon we'll edit. Our documentarians are busy editing videos of our team working and other team members have been taking pictures, so look forward to that soon! Hope everything is going well on your end.
We've been filming on various locations for the past few days, from the forest to urban city settings. Our production is going very well and soon we'll edit. Our documentarians are busy editing videos of our team working and other team members have been taking pictures, so look forward to that soon! Hope everything is going well on your end.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
greg's general musings
Wow...I haven't posted in a while. I'm very impressed with the variety of video postings. I've posted most on my Facebook - I brag to everyone I can about the amazing talent the students have and it clearly shows in the videos. I was blown away at Karla's vocals. I am soooooo jealous! :-). I can't wait to hear her on the final show.
On Thursday (jan 8) I'm traveling to LSMSA to provide D3 training. In the beginning all the students had basic training, but this session will be with the D3 scriptors. Hopefully, I can get a sneak preview into the show developed by the students. My goal is to refresh our memories of using text, video and slides, and provide whatever else is necessary as best as I can. I'll have to get up early (groan) but it's worth it. The last time I was at LSMSA, I got to see most if not all the Italian team. I still think its amazing at how much progress has been made despite being on opposite sides of the world. so cool!
I hope to get my passport soon. I've been to the post office several times and each time I forgot to bring two photos of me. Next time, I'm taking pictures of Craig with me...lol!
By the way, I noticed several Facebook links, so I might as well join the club. My facebook address is, here, I think. If not, just look me up under Greg Andrews, Shreveport. I'll admit I don't check it often, but I do my best to respond to comments, postings, etc. Plus, for those of you wondering who Craig is, you'll see him.
I think that's it for now. Looking forward to Thursday.
On Thursday (jan 8) I'm traveling to LSMSA to provide D3 training. In the beginning all the students had basic training, but this session will be with the D3 scriptors. Hopefully, I can get a sneak preview into the show developed by the students. My goal is to refresh our memories of using text, video and slides, and provide whatever else is necessary as best as I can. I'll have to get up early (groan) but it's worth it. The last time I was at LSMSA, I got to see most if not all the Italian team. I still think its amazing at how much progress has been made despite being on opposite sides of the world. so cool!
I hope to get my passport soon. I've been to the post office several times and each time I forgot to bring two photos of me. Next time, I'm taking pictures of Craig with me...lol!
By the way, I noticed several Facebook links, so I might as well join the club. My facebook address is, here, I think. If not, just look me up under Greg Andrews, Shreveport. I'll admit I don't check it often, but I do my best to respond to comments, postings, etc. Plus, for those of you wondering who Craig is, you'll see him.
I think that's it for now. Looking forward to Thursday.
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