Museums and Community Collaborations Abroad

Not Just Another Brick in the Wall: Engaging Italian and American Teens in Planetarium Technology

Thursday, December 17, 2009

december, 17th

Hi, it's Matteo!
Today we've finished writing the story and we've also filmed the first part of a scene....
we think that we're working really well and it will be a really interesting video....
Next time we'll finish this scene and then we'll show you our result.......
if you want some other informations, call me (or Carmine or Adele) on facebook!

Monday, December 14, 2009

This is our example for a scene in the video

And this is us discussing on our ideas for the story

We've met last thursday and we've decided the 6 points for our part of the film...
In the next meetings, we'll work on it and write the final storyboard....