Museums and Community Collaborations Abroad

Not Just Another Brick in the Wall: Engaging Italian and American Teens in Planetarium Technology

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pictures of the buildings involved

Hello all...I have asked for some pictures of the respective institutions. Thank you so much for those who provided the photos. First up is a picture of Vallauri, the educational institution:

Next is the USA counterpart, Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts (LSMSA):

You can already see the buildings of Infinito and Sci-Port (at least as of this posting), but there was an interesting picture gifted by Infinito:

In case you didn't know snow is a rarity here in Louisiana. However, it snowed earlier this year (Jan 29), so we too have a picture of Sci-Port with snow. Here is a picture of snow around Sci-Port:

OK...there's not as much as snow as at Infinito, but still it's worth sharing.


Google Photo

Hello all...You may have noticed one of the followers of the blog without a photo is named "Brick in the Wall" which represents the Google account. In case anyone's wondering, I do have a photo for the Google Account for the Brick in the Wall photo uploaded, but it is not showing up. I spent the last 40 minutes reloading the image, then checking out the blog to see if it updated and.....still not happening. However, I'm a firm believer of QED: As long as the possibility isn't absolutely zero, there is a chance that at some point and time the profile picture will be updated!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

progress in Louisiana

Hey everyone!
Last week I traveled to Louisiana School to present to the students about the program. They picked up applications. The Louisiana School has selected 7 students + 1 alternate to participate!
Greg and I also did our "getting to know you" scripts. Now I'm trying to create the loan agreement for the dongles. !!! And trying to figure out how to wire money to Italy.
See you all soon- I think we're skyping at 9:00 Louisiana time on Friday.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

(Giorgia) Project presented to Italian teachers!

Hi all!
Today it was an open day for teachers at our planetarium.
Eleonora and I presented the project and showed the timeline, then we invited all the teachers to follow our blog... They were really interested and quite envious of their colleagues of Vallauri!
See you soon!