Museums and Community Collaborations Abroad

Not Just Another Brick in the Wall: Engaging Italian and American Teens in Planetarium Technology

Monday, November 9, 2009

Courtney's Post! :D

(this has also been posted to Facebook)

Hey guys,

This is Courtney, the project manager from the American team. Today we just finished our weekly meeting for the project. We have read through your last blog post and discussed some of your ideas. Our team doesn't want to stereotype our cultures, but we liked the original idea we had discussed during our Skype meeting, with the project being a rock opera type of show.

At our last Skype meeting we discussed the idea of having a "day in the life" theme for the project. Your team mentioned having one common character and gave Ziggy Stardust as an example. Have you thought of developing the common character or a plot for the project? 

Last week, our group discussed musical references to use for the project. We looked at a few videos from the artist, DJ Danger Mouse. DJ Danger Mouse took the Beatle's "White Album" and merged it with Jay-Z's "Black Album" to make his own concept album, the "Grey Album". Here is an example of one of the videos:

Giorgia has suggested the project managers meet through Skype on Thursday, 19th at 1:30 (Italian time). We are hoping to discuss a clear and final plan for the project, so that our teams can start writing for recording in January. 

I'm looking forward to talking to you about the project!

Bye!  :D



06/11/2009 and 09/11/2009

Hi everyone!!
I'm Matteo, the italian documentarist!
on the 6th november we've talked abuot this project and we've been taught how to use Photoshop and Digistar: we've been divided in two groups, in the first there were Andrea P. and Carmine (the scripter and the p. manager, the other scripter was absent) and they tried to use Digistar; in the second group there were the other people and they tried Photoshop.
Oscar and Giorgia also explained us how we have to work and what we have to do (they've also did this last thingt on the first time we met).
today we've worked at school and we did a proof (in italian is "bozza" I hope I've translated it in the right way) of the story: we talked about something that can explain the differences between italian students and american students.
we can show these psichological differences using characters which are the
stereotypes of the two cultures: the italian student could be performed by the american students (not only one has to perform but all of us); the american student by the italian students.
with this, we can amplify and joke with these stereotypes....

I hope I haven't done any grammatical mistake!!

Adele, one Videographer

From the left of the screen: Andrea S, Manuela, Andrea P., Serena, Oscar, Carmine and Adele

(Giorgia) First Digistar3 training day


On Friday 6th November we all met at for the first training day on Digistar3 and other production softwares.

After a quick breakfast, the Italian students split in two groups: one followed my course on Digistar architecture and basic real time scripting, the other attended Marco's training course on the softwares for multimedia production (premiere, photoshop and so on).

It was just a few hours course, we will have to meet again (maybe next week) in order to complete our training!

So see you all next week!
