Museums and Community Collaborations Abroad

Not Just Another Brick in the Wall: Engaging Italian and American Teens in Planetarium Technology

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Teen Forum Tonight!!!!

The premiere event kicks off tonight from 7 - 9:30! I can't wait to play the project but I'm actually excited about the ice cream sundaes as well! And the rooftop music! And the Van de Graaff generator! Lot's of fun and food. Oh, and of course there is also a teen forum that takes place as well. :-P I'm sure we'll learn about other ways Sci-Port can relate to teens and fortify Sci-Port as a place where teens, tweens, and young adults can visit more often.


And finally...we arrived!!! (eleonora)

Despite volcano, lost flight connection, flat tire (someone knows...) we are HERE!
Nice, lovely and friendly people. Huge, green and wonderful landscape. I love Louisiana and we are so lucky to be here. Thank you all!